Primary Location

6180 State Farm Dr

Rohnert Park, CA 94928 US

Lasik FAQs


LASIK eye surgery is a very common procedure that most people have heard about for several years now. If you are wondering about it, you can check out the FAQ  below to see if this is a good option for your vision. Our team at North Bay Optometric Vision Center in Rohnert Park is experts in determining whether or not you can have LASIK procedures.

What is LASIK Surgery?

LASIK is a surgical procedure in which a computer-guided laser gently reshapes the cornea of the eye to correct a patient’s nearsightedness, farsightedness, or astigmatism.

Who is a Good Candidate for LASIK?

The general guidelines of a doctor of optometry are that the patient must be a minimum of 18-years-old and have healthy eyes with a stable eyeglass or contact lens prescription for the last 12 to 24 months. Individuals that have certain medical conditions, like an autoimmune disease, or if they are a woman that is pregnant or nursing, may not be very good candidates for LASIK.

What Kind of Results Can I Expect?

The vast majority of all patients can drive, play sports, and watch TV without the need for glasses or contacts. But, your case will depend on what refractive error you are suffering from and other health factors.

How Safe is LASIK?

Like any surgical procedure, some risks come with LASIK, but that risk is relatively low, about 1 percent. LASIK is safe and has been approved by the FDA.

Trust Our Rohnert Park Optometrists To Find Out If LASIK Is Right for You

At North Bay Optometric Vision Center, we have a highly experienced team of eye doctors who can determine if LASIK is the best choice to correct your refractive error. For more information about LASIK or to see if you are a good candidate for it, give us a call at 707-584-7294 to make an appointment with one of our optometrists in Rohnert Park, CA.