Primary Location

6180 State Farm Dr

Rohnert Park, CA 94928 US

Glaucoma Risk Factors

Glaucoma Risk Factors

Knowing about the things that could cause glaucoma is really important for keeping our eyesight in good shape. We highly recommend regularly visiting an optometrist at North Bay Vision Center in Rohnert Park, CA. Understanding these glaucoma-related factors is a crucial aspect of eye care. It's a proactive way to take charge of your eye health right where you are.

Understanding Glaucoma

Glaucoma is a condition that slowly affects eyesight. It comes in different types, like open-angle and angle-closure glaucoma, and each type affects your eyes differently. Glaucoma is a significant problem worldwide and can mess up your ability to see properly.

Glaucoma Risk Factors

Getting older makes you more likely to develop glaucoma. If someone in your family has it, your chances of getting it increase too. Having high pressure in your eyes can also cause it. Some groups of people are at higher risk, like certain races or ethnic groups. Other health issues, such as diabetes or high blood pressure, can make you more likely to get glaucoma.

What You Can Do

Having regular eye check-ups is incredibly important to catch glaucoma early. The eye doctor can check the pressure in your eyes and help in finding it sooner. Making some lifestyle changes, like eating healthier and being more active, can lower the risk of getting glaucoma. Knowing the signs and visiting the eye doctor promptly if you notice something wrong is crucial to prevent glaucoma from getting worse.

Schedule Your Comprehensive Eye Care Appointment

Understanding all these factors that could lead to glaucoma is a big part of looking after your eyes. Are you looking for an eye doctor near you? We encourage you to take the step of getting your eyes checked regularly by our optometrists at North Bay Vision Center in Rohnert Park, CA. This means you're taking charge and making sure your eyes stay healthy starting today.